Sunday, December 8, 2013

Richie Cooks Jr. Demo Reel

Daft Punk – Harder Better Faster Stronger Otik Dubstep Remix
Lisa Gerrard & Peter Bourke – Shadow Magnet
Ode to Joy – Symphony No. 9 In D Minor
Dick Dale And His Dale tones - Pipeline

Monday, March 4, 2013

3-D Camera Techniques Week 9 3-D Storyboard Work In Progress by Richie Cooks Jr.

The Gekko Brothers. 3-D Animatic Work In Progress.

Shot 3
Shot 5 Monster Demon banging on door.
Shot 4

Shot 6 monsters hand punches out of door.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

3-D Camera Techniques Week 4 Storyboards

The Gekko Brothers by Richie Cooks Jr.
Two brothers hunt down and destroy demons in a post apocalyptic future.  Mike and Johnny Gekko are in a old abandon house in a bombed out city in the year 2058. A demon is trapped in a closet as a fearful Johnny holds the demon back the demon burst out of the closet and aims at Mike in the corner of house who is prepared and fires his weapon  at the creature which explodes in a flash of light. Mike is covered with demon juice and blood.

Monday, January 14, 2013

3D Camera Techniques 3 Sceens Week 2

The Dark Night. 

Dramatic Angle, Low camera angle. Makes the objects and characters seem powerful and tall.

Once Upon A Time In The West
 Extreme Close-up.
2001 A Space Odyssey
Dramatic Angle, Low camera angle. Makes the objects and characters seem powerful and tall.